Promoting and guiding excellence in Sacramento County
Head Start and Early Head Start Programs through collaboration.
SETA uses a multi-tiered approach to ensuring safety in the centers.
Staff review the Supervision Policy & Procedure two times a year to ensure topics stay in the forefront. This includes training for multiple departments beyond teaching staff as well as substitute staff. We provide coaching available for individual concerns and challenges. Ongoing meetings & communication between Union and Management occur to address any matters that may come up and to provide consistent messaging.
Facility modifications are made when possible. This may include items such as reverse mirrors, gate enhancements, gathering space markers and blocking areas that children should not enter. Work Order follow up procedures give enhanced consideration to safety concerns.
Raising Awareness
In addition to staff awareness, parents are informed of safety strategies during parent meetings and enrollment appointments including the importance of communication during sign in and sign out. Children are made aware of safety strategies with the PAWS safety curriculum and PAWS materials posted in the classroom.
Transition sheet are used to document the movement of children throughout different areas of the center. (Such as indoors to the playground or from the playground to an indoor restroom) Wipe and erase boards are posted prominently to ensure the number of children in care is known at all times. Staff are also responsible for updating individualized Center/ Classroom Safety Plans to determine strategies that address challenges that may be unique to their location.