One of the historic pillars of Head Start is that Parents Make It Happen. We believe parents are the most valuable resource, not only as primary educators of their children but also as policy makers of their children’s local Head Start program.
Policy Council/Parent Advisory Committee
Annually, Head Start parents nominate and elect other Head Start parents to participate on the Policy Council and Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). The Policy Council (PC) and PAC are designed to provide parents the opportunity to participate in policy and decision making arenas of the Head Start program such as annual budgets, program planning, operations, personnel, policies, and procedures.
The SETA Head Start Policy Council membership is composed of parent representatives from the SETA Head Start program and each of its delegate agencies: Twin Rivers USD, Elk Grove USD, Sacramento City USD, San Juan USD, and Women’s Civic Improvement Club (Playmate). Membership is also inclusive of community representatives appointed by a community-based agency.
- PC/PAC Community Representative Recruitment Memo (English)
- PC/PAC Community Representative Recruitment Memo (Spanish)
- PC/PAC Community Representative Application (English)
- PC/PAC Community Representative Application (Spanish)
- PAC Join Now Flyer (English)
- PAC Join Now Flyer (Spanish)
- PC Brochure (English)
- PC Brochure (Spanish)
- PAC Brochure (English)
- PAC Brochure (Spanish)
PC/PAC Resources
PC/PAC representatives are also provided the opportunity to attend local and national conferences to learn about Head Start/Early Head Start operations. Representatives are also given the opportunity to attend the seminars and conferences that enhance their personal, professional and family development.
PC/PAC Resource Manual
(all of the following documents in one pdf)